
Showing posts from March, 2014

I Am Cleaning!

Today James spent the day in the house.  We had an incident (several, actually) that precipated his arrest yesterday, but ultimately it was a big deal.  It did mean, though, that by mid-afternoon he was starting to get a bit stir-crazy and was casting about for something to amuse himself.  He gave up on playing with the stuff I was trying to show him to instead grab  that guy  and start waving him around over various surfaces.  I wish I had gotten video of this.  He would walk up to something, place the fan an inch or so away from the surface then turn on the button and occasionally wave it a bit.  After a few of these he let us in on what he was doing. "Mama!  I am cleaning the table!"  "I am cleaning the bathroom!  I am cleaning the potty!"  "Daddy!  Your hair is clean!"  "Mama!  I am cleaning the car!"  "Daddy!  I am cleaning Brazen-cat's fur!" Brazen, for her part, took the cleaning in what I am now coming to think