
Showing posts from May, 2015

Turtle Tunnel!

Christine sent me a link to plans for a sandbox several weeks back.  I didn't plan to build it over the long weekend, but it turns out to have been a great weekend for it and even though I only placed the order for the materials online on Thursday night, everything was ready Friday, so Saturday I picked up everything and set to work. There's always a few set-backs, of course, but once completed and loaded up with 16 (!) 20kg bags of sand, it was an instant success.  I made it 6'x6' thinking (foolishly) that it would be large enough for two boys to play in without fighting.  Of course that's not the case, but both of the guys are too happy about it to get too caught up in fighting over toys, so I'm calling that a win too. The sand we bought was really nice, it was quite wet right out of the bags, so it worked really well for making castles.  At one point we had a respectably high pile built, too, so then I started tunneling underneath it with a curiously

Going to start a series for these.

Hilarious observations. James has recently rediscovered his sunglasses and he is very impressed with them. James :  Daddy? Sharks don't wear sunglasses. Me : Nope, they don't. James : They just wear ... seawater glasses.

I Found A ... !

Probably Daniel's two favourite phrases right now are I found a ...  and I need the ... , depending on the context.  They're adorable, of course, in as much of the context as the delivery.  Daddy!  I found a fire truck!  Daddy, I found the garbage truck! The last few days, though, have been laugh-out-loud funny as he now focuses on the pickle-truck .  Make no mistake, this is most definitely what he is saying, he's even corrected me on it.  "You found a pick-up truck?"  "NO!  I found a pickle-truck!"