
Showing posts from July, 2015

The Trampoline Museum

James and I had the day together today. Last Monday we had a trip to CHEO because he woke up having significant respiratory distress.  He had very shallow, rapid breathing when I went in to check on him in the morning before he woke up.  We thought he'd been sick with a cold on Saturday and Sunday (but that is now somewhat in question again) but this wasn't normal by any means. Anyway, as with our other trips to CHEO, it was handled exceptionally  well (I guess that means it's no longer an exception...) and even though we were there for almost five hours, most of that time was waiting to ensure he was responding well to the medication and not relapsing.  His breathing has been fine ever since, so right now the working theory is he has cough-variant asthma and either a cold or an allergic response to something in the air on Saturday escalated from "asthma" to " asthma ".  We'll see. So the first part of the day was our follow-up with our fa