
Showing posts from August, 2015

Do you want to play?

Immediately before I took this photo Daniel had finished off two whole pancakes and, as you can see, was well on his way to finishing a third.  It's just the two of us this morning, it was kind of a rough night and Daniel needed to get up pretty early, so we let everyone else sleep in. Anyway, he's pretty pleased with himself now, so he decided it was time to play a bit.  He grabbed his two busses and then played out this exchange all on his own: School Bus:   Hey City Bus?  Do you want to play? City Bus:   Yes!  And then they started zooming around the plate and occasionally crashing into each other while Daniel narrated "Oh NO!" This is the first time I've noticed him playing this way, having his toys communicate amongst themselves with a cooperative dialogue.  It's pretty cool.  I mean, he's done this before, but only when he sees James doing it first, then he'll mimic (as well as he is able) whatever story James is telling with his toys

Back again.

It's another wickedly humid day here, so while Daniel is,  it is to be hoped, napping I thought I'd take James back to the Trampoline Museum. I had expected it to be really busy but it's not too terribly crazy.   Completely unexpected was running into Valrica and her family in the lobby. It's their first time here so they're trapped in the waiver-filling-out line, probably for the next hour, if memory serves. At least that is how it felt the first time we were here and James just wanted to get jumping. I've had a few Daniel-isms I intended to write about and there is a lot I should say about the trip to Saunders' Farm last week,  but I'll keep this short since I still need to be watching James in all his adventuresome bouncing. Several weeks back this started and it's probably the way of things from now on.  Each time a song starts that Daniel knows he will tell me: "Daddy? It's the Itsy Bitsy Spider!" "Daddy? It's the AB