
Showing posts from August, 2016

(Briefly) Back to the Routine

This week James is back at daycare after two weeks at his swimming camp.  He had such a good time with the swimming camp we signed him up for another two weeks in August, because, really, there's no way to lose here.  He loves it.  It's good for him.  If he turns his swimming into a sport he does all his life, it's a pretty good one.  So, yeah, we're doing a lot to encourage that. But this week, he's back to his daycare.  Christine dropped him off on Tuesday (because Monday was the civic holiday here and while she had to work us guys stayed home and spent about four hours in the pool on the deck).  She said as soon as he was in he ran into Lizzie and this exchange ensued: James : I love you, Lizzie! Lizzie : Why do you love me? James : Because I do. Upon which Lizzie went and collected a picture she had drawn and written her name on and gave it to him.  He turned to Christine and told her she had to take it home and put it on the fridge, but first she had to