
Showing posts from August, 2017


It's been a while. It's been eventful since we got back from vacation, Daniel has been basically wiped out every night now that he's started at the extended day program at what will soon be his school.  Next week is going to be even harder on the little guy with actual school (well, Junior Kindergarten) starting up. But this is another in the  "James says the most hilarious stuff" category. I was golfing today (it was insanely cold for it being the end of August, by the way, I don't think it go above 20 all day) and didn't get home until just before 9pm.  I went upstairs and saw James was still awake, so I went in to see him.  This is what followed. James:  Dad?  Let me tell you about my day.  Me:  Okay, bud, tell me about your day.  James:  Well first it was excellent, then it was passable, then it was good, then it was great. At this point I'm already starting to laugh (I'm sure he gets "passable" from playing Cut the Ro