
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Fine Art of Negotiation

Just got the boys in bed and I need to share this before I get into something else and I forget. Daniel has been sleeping in our bed all week while I was in Germany for work.  Christine let him sleep in our bed with me last night too.  Partly because he really wanted to and partly because, I assume, she didn't want to sleep with me knowing that since I'd been up for nearly 24 hours I was bound to be snoring so loud she wouldn't get any sleep anyway. Tonight was supposed to be back to normal.  Foolishly I thought I could make that happen.  When  it came for bed-time, though, James went to Daniel's room (the blue one, since room ownership changes around here) and Daniel snuggled under the sheets in our bed.  James was very,  very upset about this because he didn't want to sleep alone.  I offered to let him sleep in our bed with Daniel, but he was insistent that he wanted to sleep in the blue room with Daniel.  So I offered to negotiate for him. I went back into