
Showing posts from March, 2013

Fire truck!

James and I were out this morning on our usual Saturday morning outing.  Coffee, comic book shop, (The Comic Book Shoppe, specifically) and whatever other random errands a required for the day. Today that included going grocery shopping for a couple of things and swinging by the Centrepointe branch of the library.  Since we were early for the library, I opted to go shopping at the Loblaws at College Square.  We got everything we planned on, then on our way out of the door James announced in his "I'm telling you something I'm looking at right now" voice:   Fire truck! I did my usual "Fire truck?  You see a fire truck?  Okay" routine then looked around to see where the truck was, expecting it was on a box, or maybe a toy fire truck in the entrance or something. Nope, a real ladder truck was pulling into the parking lot.  Presumably the guys were out shopping for the fire house.  So after I got our groceries loaded into the car, James and I took a walk ov

First Post!

Jumping in context free.  It's more fun that way. Yesterday I was sitting in the living room with Julie sharing a short story about James and I said something like "I don't want to forget that, that's awesome."  She told me to write it down.  Seems like not a bad idea. Most of this blog will likely be very, very  short entries.  I like to write a lot -- if you know me at all, you know that about me -- but I simply don't have the time to do even a quarter of the writing I want to do. So two quick stories to start things off. One.  Yesterday I was off.  I took the day because James had an appointment at Smith Prosthetics and I thought rather than taking him back to daycare we'd just make it an outing and head over to the  Science and Tech museuem  while we were in that part of town.  Most of the visit consisted of him running ( prancing  to be more accurate) around aimlessly, arms out to his sides at shoulder height, going aaah!  the way he does whe