Fire truck!
James and I were out this morning on our usual Saturday morning outing. Coffee, comic book shop, (The Comic Book Shoppe, specifically) and whatever other random errands a required for the day. Today that included going grocery shopping for a couple of things and swinging by the Centrepointe branch of the library. Since we were early for the library, I opted to go shopping at the Loblaws at College Square. We got everything we planned on, then on our way out of the door James announced in his "I'm telling you something I'm looking at right now" voice: Fire truck! I did my usual "Fire truck? You see a fire truck? Okay" routine then looked around to see where the truck was, expecting it was on a box, or maybe a toy fire truck in the entrance or something. Nope, a real ladder truck was pulling into the parking lot. Presumably the guys were out shopping for the fire house. So after I got our groceries loaded into the car, James and I too...