
Showing posts from January, 2014

The Tunnel

It's been a while. November and December really got away on me both due to the normal holiday chaos, preparation for my time off work in January and February, and due to the hospitalization and death of my father.  There was a lot going on. Now I'm starting into my third full week off on parental leave with Daniel and I cannot possibly give this form of therapy a higher recommendation.  It is exhausting, sure, but it is also incredibly restorative to be at home with him all day long.  The transition periods are difficult (going down for a nap, getting up from a nap, getting out to pick up James at daycare, getting supper ready) but the middle bits, just playing on the floor together or attempting to read together or having a meal together, those are bafflingly awesome. Then, stuff also just happens sometimes and all I can do is marvel at it.  Earlier this week Daniel discovered "The Tunnel".  He was a little unsure about it at first, but once he understood it, h