
Showing posts from June, 2015

I need, I need, I neeeeeeeeed!

The title could honestly apply to nearly anything Daniel sees these days, particularly anything James has or is looking at or that Daniel thinks James is thinking about, but in this particular case it refers to the near total meltdown that happened at the start of dessert after supper tonight. But we need to back up a bit first. The week before last Daniel came down with an utterly MISERABLE flu.  The kind of bad that on Sunday morning Christine took him to CHEO because he was significantly dehydrated.  (I originally wrote "severely" in there, but that's not true.  Erin's son Alex had the same flu and he became severely dehydrated, Daniel wasn't nearly that bad.)  By Tuesday he was over it and by Thursday he was back to eating a bigger breakfast than James and I put together, but on Friday of last week the other shoe dropped.  Around four on Friday morning James barfed and was down for the weekend and the bulk of this week. I stayed home with him on Monday

Toddler Subterfuge

This one is from a few weeks ago. I'm back to golfing again on Thursday nights (or that's the way I'm spinning it, I've only made it to slightly more than 50% of my games and of those only one of them did I actually do something approximating golf, but it's nice to get out anyway), so Christine has been putting the boys to bed on her own and this almost always means both boys are sleeping in Daniel's room because that is, currently, the preferred room.  No explanation on that one. This particular night we got started very early, wrapped up early and nobody wanted to stick around for drinks or food after the round, so I was home exceptionally early.  Probably about 8:10pm.  I stopped for a moment in the driveway to talk to Tony and Anick, then went inside. At the top of the stairs were two little boys.  Daniel yelled "Daddy!" and ran into his room.  James was shouting "Mama!  Daddy's home!" It turns out that both boys had "gon