Toddler Subterfuge

This one is from a few weeks ago.

I'm back to golfing again on Thursday nights (or that's the way I'm spinning it, I've only made it to slightly more than 50% of my games and of those only one of them did I actually do something approximating golf, but it's nice to get out anyway), so Christine has been putting the boys to bed on her own and this almost always means both boys are sleeping in Daniel's room because that is, currently, the preferred room.  No explanation on that one.

This particular night we got started very early, wrapped up early and nobody wanted to stick around for drinks or food after the round, so I was home exceptionally early.  Probably about 8:10pm.  I stopped for a moment in the driveway to talk to Tony and Anick, then went inside.

At the top of the stairs were two little boys.  Daniel yelled "Daddy!" and ran into his room.  James was shouting "Mama!  Daddy's home!"

It turns out that both boys had "gone to bed" extremely easy and Christine had thought they were well asleep by the time I got home.  She followed them back into Daniel's room to discover that they hadn't been sleeping at all.  Instead they had a chair pushed up against the window and were standing on the arms, looking out over the driveway at the people on the street.  They were being perfectly quiet — because even at four James has figured out he can get away with stuff so long as we don't catch him at it, an aspect of his personality I absolutely love and that makes me dread the future — but their excitement at seeing me arrive home overwhelmed their better judgement.


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