Trains and Tracks
I might've written about this one before, I know I've told the story before, but a quick search of the two relevant blog archives didn't turn up anything, so if I'm repeating myself, please indulge me a bit. Christine and I finished putting together cupcakes for Daniel's not-a-birthday-party tomorrow. Well, I say "finished" but they're not quite finished. The finishing touch goes on tomorrow. Tonight we laid down turf (green frosting), railroad ties (without ballast ... I know, I know) and rails on the tops of the cupcakes. There will be pictures tomorrow once we place the engines on their tracks. Anyway, so I've been thinking a lot about trains and tracks tonight. Then I came downstairs to clean up a little bit and spent maybe fifteen minutes working out how to build a couple of circuits from the pieces of Duplo train tracks we have on the play-table in the basement. That inevitably reminded me when we came into possession of these part...