
Showing posts from March, 2016

Parental Guidance is Advised

Quick one because I don't have much time this morning. I was preparing James' lunch today as I do most days.  Nothing unusual about it.  The last thing I do is fill up his water bottle and pack it in his back-pack beside his lunch bag.  Today his bottle had water in it from last night, so I had to drain it first.  I opened it up and just happened to look inside.   What the hell?  thinks I. I poured out yesterday's water and saw this. I know that guy, his name is Baby Spider.  Didn't know he was aquatic.

The Sun

A genuinely quick one tonight, because, really, every single word I put down here will only diminish the effect. The week before last I picked James up after school and drove west (this is relevant) to the rec centre where he has his Friday swimming lessons.  It was a sunny day and I made some comment about how the sun was really bright.  James started free-associating based on that.  The sun is a star.  The sun is really bright.  The sun is in our eyes. Then he hit on it. James: The sun is like a big, giant eye ! I did not laugh.  At least I don't think I did.  But my mind instantly  went somewhere I knew his hadn't. Since then we've occasionally talked about the sun and he has been regularly associating the sun with being a giant eye in the sky.  Mildly unsettling, but still hilarious. Then I found this picture he drew today in school: Strikingly similar to but (I hope) legally distinct from... This is absolutely ...