Living in the moment

It's actually kind of difficult to live in the moment.  At least for me.  I'm not sure why, it just is how I've always been.  Years ago a former manager of mine told me that I should enjoy the quiet periods at work because they never last.  This was, for the record, about four months before that particular place shuttered (and about three months before I left for a different job, but that's a different story).

James is firmly in his two-year-old "no" phase.  Nearly everything you ask him gets and answer of "no" right now, whether he means no or not.  Usually he doesn't and he quickly corrects himself, but his first position is always "no".  It's cute.  I have a really difficult time not laughing when I'm trying to be stern with him.

"James, c'mon and put on your sneakers, it's time to go out."

"James, c'mon and wash your hands, it's time to eat."

"James, what would you like for breakfast?"
"No breakfast."
"No breakfast?"

All three of those exchanges makes me chuckle now as I'm writing them.  They happen a lot.

Anyway, the other day he said something, I don't even remember what, but I laughed and said, "I love you, buddy!" to which he (predictably) replied "No love you."

I know he didn't mean it, but when I related the story to Christine later on in the evening, she laughed, then said "Y'know, someday he's going to say he hates you."

I said I knew that but I also knew he wouldn't mean it and that I'm determined to listen to him -- to both of the boys -- when they tell me they don't like something I'm doing.  That's important information, I think.

So then today.  We were at the park and I was making a flock of sand-ducks from a plastic sand mould some other kid had left there.  I was surrounding James with them while he played in the sand.  Then, all of a sudden, he stood up, walked around behind me and gave me the biggest hug he could manage from behind.  Then he came around in front of me and sat in my lap while we made more sand-ducks.  Didn't say anything the whole time, he just had an urge to hug me and be closer to me while we were playing.

Tonight, I'm going to just live in the moment and not worry about what's coming down the line.  It's not all good, but there's going to be more than enough good to outweigh the not-so-good, I'm sure.


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