Spooky Adventure

This one comes from way back in September.  I'd meant to post it then, but never quite got around to filling out the story.

We've been reading to both of the boys quite a lot (not as much to Daniel as I'd like, but I'm getting better at that).  I may have written down before about how James tends to come to new things through books first, more than anything else.  He may see a new toy or something and be interested in it, but until he hears about it from a book, he's not really invested in it.  If he's going to throw a tantrum in a store, it's almost always because he isn't getting to read the new book he just saw quickly enough.

When I first started writing this post, his favourite book was a Toy Story 3 book called A Spooky Adventure.  It was the one that, guaranteed, we would read every night, and he would want to read more than once if he could wrangle it somehow.  He was also pushing his bed-time back and back, but he's been very good about staying in his room unless he's got a very good reason to come out, so even if we stop reading at, say, 8:00pm and he doesn't go to sleep until quarter to nine, it's not a big deal.  He won't be roaming around upstairs.

Lots of nights we would hear him on the monitor, chattering away to himself long after we'd left his room and said our goodnights.  The absolute best, though, was the first night I left him, said goodnight, then came downstairs and could hear him on the monitor reciting sections of A Spooky Adventure.


  1. James is such a fun kid. It's so nice that he has a love of books and being read to. Keep up the good job.


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