That Guy!

I was going to write something completely different here.  And I wasn't going to write anything tonight.  But today was a momentous occasion.  We have a graduated level of rewards for going to the potty, the highest level had been a Kinder Surprise.  Seemed like a good level, both chocolate and a silly little toy or game in a very large package.  Surely enough to get a little boy excited about making his next big step into adulthood.

We failed in a couple of ways, though.  When Christine took the boys out east, she left the Kinder Surprises here.  So I brought some.  And we forgot them at Dad's place when we left.


So back at her family's place I took James out for us to pick a reward together.  We picked "That Guy" from Bulk Barn.  That guy being a plastic M&M candy dispenser (maybe? container for sure) with an M&M dressed up for Halloween in a wizard's cap and robe and carrying a propeller ... because ... wizards.

I would love to have heard the discussion around that one in the board room when the execs were looking at the samples.

Regardless, you push a little red M&M on the front and the prop spins.  The prop is made of very soft foam, so it also doesn't hurt (I tried it several times before picking it up, which only made James more antsy about it because I wasn't letting him play with it) but it spins quite fast and pushes a good amount of air.  It's pretty cool, I must admit.

That was probably five weeks ago.  Since then there's been subtle insinuation.  "Daddy?  That guy." accompanied by pointing at the place on the bathroom shelf where he was sitting, awaiting the big day.

There's been flat out tantrums.  "THAAAAAT GUYYYYY!"  Also with the pointing.  And tears.

There's also been the one that I have on several occasions almost broken down and given in to.  Pleading.  "Please, Daddy, please.  That guy, please."

Well no more.  Today was the day he earned that guy.  It was a pretty exciting day.


  1. Good job James! And good job JOe and Christine for not giving into the pleading demands of tears and "Thhhaaaattttt guy!"


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