Water Table

Been a while (again) since I wrote anything.  I've got to be better about keeping this up, it's not for lack of stuff to write about.  Mostly, though, between a new job and finishing up Dad's business, I've been feeling kind of enervated.

Last winter, though, I saw a prize on Freecycle that I knew I had to claim.  A water table.  Basically just a plastic platform with a couple of basins in it so kids can play with water without actually getting in a pool.  And someone was giving it away.  I am so glad I made the trip to Hintonberg one afternoon while Daniel napped in the car.  This wasn't the first time the boys got to play with it, that happened while I was out of town last weekend, but it's the first video I caught.  Right after supper, while I was doing dishes and watching the boys play through the kitchen window.

Update:  I thought of something when I was telling Christine about playing with the water table that I forgot to write down here.  Probably the funniest part of playing with the water table, too.  James started by tossing water around, as in the video.  Then he started pouring the water over Daniel's head saying "I am washing Daniel's hair!"  Daniel thought it was funny, so it's all good.

Then Brazen came outside and sat a respectful distance from the fun and games.  James considered this for maybe a full minute before he filled up his cup again and said, walking purposefully toward her, "I will wash Brazen-cat."

For the record, I did not let that happen.


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