Yellow Day

Every Tuesday is a day where the whole class attempts to remember to wear the same colour in James' Junior Kindergarten.  After the Purple Day a few weeks back I have a suspicion that it's done by popular vote, but that's a different story.

Today was Yellow Day.  So Christine got both boys dressed in yellow shirts for the day.  Thinks I to myself:  I have a yellow shirt, I should wear it.  Y'know, solidarity.  So I went to the closet and got out my yellow Eddie Bauer shirt with the long sleeves and collar.  It's a nice shirt, if a little big for me — it was purchased during a different era, but the sleeves and body are long enough so I'm loath to throw it out — but really my only excuse for choosing it was it was still early and my brain wasn't really braining yet.

I actually had it half-way on when I remembered, I have a much better yellow shirt to wear for yellow day if I wanted to impress my boys.

Aw yeah, highbrow.
Christine transported James from his bed to ours to wake up but Daniel, as usual, was wide awake, so he came running into the room following them.  He practically skidded to a halt when he saw my shirt.  We had a few moments of processing, followed by:
Daniel:  Daddy!  You have the sun!
Me:  Yes, I have the sun.
Daniel:  Daddy!  The sun is angry!  Grrrr.
Me:  No, buddy, the sun is farting!  Errrgh, plplplplt!
This became the funniest thing he'd ever heard.  Funnier, even, than Oh, bother! and the two of us took turns making farting sounds until James woke up and joined in.

So let's say the wake-up part of Yellow Day was a total success.

Today is also the day when both boys have swimming lessons about the time when we would normally be having supper, so instead they arrive home around 6:30-ish absolutely ravenous and I need to make sure I have supper on the table and ready to go as soon as they're in the door.

So I did.

And I heard Christine coming in through the garage, so I met them to help her unload the car.

I opened Daniel's door and immediately he broke out into hysterical giggles.  Eventually he managed to gasp out  "Daddy, the sun farted!  Plplplplt!"

Yeah.  We kept that up all through our meal.


  1. And then there's Christine's comment at the table: "This says as much about you as it does about them, y'know." Which, of course, is perfectly true.

  2. During the drive home after swimming, Daniel was so ravenous, he was crying. He was crying SO loud that James was covering his ears. Things were getting out if hand.
    I quickly thought about how I could distract them.
    "Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star" was not going to cut it. Remembering this morning's antics, I came up with:
    "Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-Ahhhhhhh! And on his farm he had a Daniel, E-I-E-I-Ahhhhhhh! With a Fart-Fart here, and a Fart-Fart there, Here a Fart, There a Fart, Everywhere a Fart-Fart, Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-Ahhhhhhh!!!!"
    Both Daniel and James were giggling in no time and making requests.
    Yup, we are firmly into the potty humour stage. And apparently it never ends if you are a boy.

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  4. Well done Christine! Remembering the success of the farting sun!
    And Joe, I agree that that yellow shirt is WAY better!


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