Testing the Limits

Christine got home today with the boys and told me that James had an accident with his new prosthetic arm at school today but that he seemed okay.  He did, indeed, seem okay and since there was no incident report from the school I figured it could wait.

So at dinner I asked him about it and the exchange went something like this:
Me:  Do you want to tell me what happened at school today with your new arm? 
James:  Yeah!  I was on the monkey bars and it slipped off and I fell and hit my knee and then it whacked me on the back. 
Me:  Oh, but are you okay? 
James:  Yeah.  And Lizzie caught my arm when it fell! 
Me: Okay, that was good.  So what happened before it came off?  Were you climbing or were you hanging
James:  I wasn't climbing
Me:  Okay, so,  you remember, Sam told us that it'll hold on while you climb but if you just kinda hang there like a monkey, it'll probably fall off eventually, right? 
James:  I wasn't hanging!  I was swinging!
That's when I decided I needed to get this on video:

So I'm going to go ahead and say that the arm was a total success if he managed to get it on, climb up on the monkey bars and then get swinging before his arm popped out of the socket.  In fact, it's intended to not be stuck on too tight so he doesn't get himself stuck somewhere.  More importantly, today he was just a crazy kid discovering new limits.  Pretty good day.  Despite getting whacked in the back with his own prosthetic arm.


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