Mickey Mouse

Hope I don't get into trouble with Disney here.

The evening routine, I may have mentioned before, is Christine reads stories and helps James brush his teeth, then I take over with getting him settled, usually read one more book (unless he talks me into reading more) and I lay down with him in bed until he either falls asleep or I despair of him falling asleep and leave him on his own.

An example in the despair category would have been from the other night when he had sookie in his mouth and sneezed.  It launched out across the bed -- as you might imagine -- and when he realized what happened, he thought it was the funniest thing ever.  So then he started saying "ah ... ah ... CHOO!" and hoping sookie would launch out of his mouth again.

He reminded me a lot of that Star Trek: The Next Generation episode where Data was practising sneezing.

After a few failed attempts he concluded something was missing.  So he added in pushing sookie out of his mouth with his tongue.  "Ah ... CHOOO! <plut>"  After a good five minutes of that and my failed attempts to dissuade him, I just gave up and let him carry on.

But I digress, again.

Tonight he was tired.  Not out-of-it-immediately tired, but tired.  So when we finished reading his book for the evening, he was happy enough to snuggle under his blanket and lay quietly beside me for a while.  Then it started.
"Daddy?  I saw Mickey Mouse."
"Oh yeah?  That's cool.  Mickey Mouse is pretty cool, eh?" 
A minute of contemplation. 
"I saw Mickey Mouse in a green car."
"That's cool, buddy." 
Another minute of contemplation. 
"I saw Mickey Mouse in a blue truck."
"Oh yeah?"
"Daddy?  I saw Mickey Mouse cross the street."
"Yeah?  Well y'know what?  I bet when Mickey Mouse crosses the street, he does the same thing you and I do.  He probably looks both ways first, right?  Because Mickey Mouse is careful." 
Now I almost feel like a children's show host, but whatever.  Another moment passes. 
"Mickey Mouse is careful."
"Yes he is, buddy."
"I saw Mickey Mouse in a airplane!"
This went on for I don't know how long.  Probably ten minutes.  Pause.  Some other thing he wanted to tell me about Mickey Mouse.  Mickey Mouse likes trains.  He likes green trains, specifically.  He likes to run.  Lots of stuff I couldn't make out, but I knew it was still about Mickey Mouse.

I get evenings like this every so often, when he just wants to lay in bed and tell me stuff about his day or what he's thinking about or what he likes.

I wouldn't trade evenings like this for anything in the world.


  1. That is so cute... Thanks for sharing your special moments of James talking to you about Micky Mouse. Maybe he learned about Micky Mouse at Day care.

    I'm looking forward to seeing the boys and all of you in August.


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