This one needs visual aids.

Two quick stories.

First, this was a little while back.  I'm pretty sure it was during the first week of July, when James was home all day with Christine and Daniel because our day-care provider was on vacation that week.  It may very well have been the day that Christine IM'd me at work during James' "nap" time saying she could hear him running around at the top of the stairs calling out "WOOF!"

Anyway, for quite a while now one of the things James has been doing when he gets bored is tossing stuff down the stairs or over the railing along the upper landing.  "Stuff" is, regrettably, as specific as I can get without examples.  So let's have a few.  His soothers.  His stuffed animals.  His garbage can.  His socks.  His books.  You get the idea.  If it is influenced by gravity and isn't obviously alive it is fair game.

Back to the story.

This day I arrived home, Christine was in the kitchen with dinner almost ready.  Daniel was nearby, seeming pretty happy.  Before I could ask, Christine said something like, "your older son is upstairs, you can go get him."  I sensed a trap, but even she didn't know what was actually in store.

The scene of the crime.
This is almost what I found when I arrived at the top of the stairs and found James.  I didn't, unfortunately, have the camera with me when I first arrived on the scene.  The scene was this, with James sitting at the far edge of our bed and a tin of diaper cream still sitting on the dresser.  He was digging it out with his thumb and alternatively smearing it on everything and eating it.  When he saw me he immediately climbed down off the bed and ran past me into Daniel's room calling out "Wuuuuuuuuu!"

So of course the first thing I did was go get the camera.

Here's what he looked like.

The perpetrator.
Okay, second story.  All last week James was talking about seeing the Yellow Car.  Often yellow car will refer to one of his toy cars, usually one of the wooden ones, but in this context I knew he meant a yellow play structure in the bird exhibit at the Museum of Nature.  He loves playing in that car.  So I promised him that if he still wanted to go see the yellow car by the weekend, we would go.

He did so we did.  Here's a sample:

Seriously, that museum membership is a bargain by any measure.  Y'can't put a price on this kind of fun.


  1. James can sure make the most of every fun situation, that's for sure. I can't wait to see him. He sure must wear his battery down with all the running.


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