Smash the bubbles!

I love my new phone, it's brought a lot more good than bad with it, but wow has it been a pain to get stuff off it and onto my computer where I can do sensible stuff with it.  Today, though, I managed to get rsync-based backups working and now we're all good.  So there'll be a few new video posts from the past couple of months coming soon.

This one is from last Friday, I think.  Daniel and James each got a bottle of bubbles from Lynne and while I was re-(re-(re-?))heating a coffee I realized that watching Christine, Daniel and James playing with them was too good to miss.  So here we are.

@1:33 that's all I've got to say.


  1. Thanks for posting the bubble smashing video. I can remember blowing lots of bubbles for the grandkids over the years. It's was as much fun for me as it was for the kids.



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