He's trickier than he looks ...

Bear with me here.  And try not to jump ahead.
... that Daniel.

He used to love brushing his teeth.  Then something happened.  We have no idea what it was but now we are living in the world of a full-on tantrum nearly every morning and night when it's time to brush our teeth.

The night before last we had wrangled everyone off their beds after fighting the inevitable – and inexplicable – fights and reading a bounty of stories I bet would be the envy of a lot of kids out there.  All seemed good.

The next morning I was getting dressed and concluded that I might wear a belt for a change.  So I went to the as-yet-nearly-unused drawer under my side of the bed to fetch one of the belts I've collected over the years.

By now I'm sure everyone's already connected "A" and "B" in this story, so I'll jump right to it.

This seems to be Daniel's latest solution to the tooth-brushing problem.  We can't brush his teeth if we can't find the toothbrush, right?


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