Probably the first of many.

Christine picked up the boys today and took them to their swimming lessons.  As usual for a Friday, I had dinner on the table when everyone got home and I started asking James about his day.  I don't yet ask Daniel about his day because he usually doesn't have anything in mind to tell and since last weekend the only thing he's been talking about is Day of the Diesels, so that's that.

James didn't really have a lot to say about his day but then Christine remembered the big news of the day.  The exchange went something like this:
Christine:  Oh!  James!  What happened at school today? 
James (brightly): We did science!
(Science is frequently the highlight of his day.)
Christine: No, what else happened?  When I came to pick you up? 
James (serious now, fixing his gaze on me): I don't want to tell you.

This usually denotes something bad, but since Christine was kind of laughing about it, I figured it wasn't too serious.  Turns out it was very serious.

For a while now, and I think I've mentioned this before, James has had a girlfriend at school, Juliette.  It's big news all around and I highly approve of this because she keeps him more or less in line, motivates him to get dressed when it's time to go home (sometimes she even dresses him) and is always happy to see either me or Christine when she's there.  They've had quite a plan, to be honest.  Juliette informed us that the two of them were going to get married and James agreed.  They had different ideas on when (Juliette said when she was old, like seventeen and James would frequently volunteer "or ninety-nine!") but they were more-or-less on the same page with most things.

Today's news is that they broke up.

Now I'm getting this more-or-less third hand, because James was pretty mum on the details, but he did say that she got very angry with him because he hugged Erica (the woman who runs his daycare class) instead of her.  Christine elaborated, though, in that after James hugged the wrong girl, Juliette told Erica to "go eat poop" and then got a time out for her trouble.

It also turns out that she had to have her time out sitting by her coat and bag and while Christine was there picking James up he had to figure out a way to collect his stuff without getting too close to her.  Turns out his stuff was right beside hers (as it usually is) but she was still sufficiently pissed that she had tried to kick him.

Someday he'll have some say over where I spend my twilight years.  So I'm not going to say I'm laughing about this.  But one must allow how one might find humour in this tragedy.  I do wish I could've been there to hear what happened when Juliette's Mom or Dad came to get her.


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