Just us guys

It's still just us guys and today I decided the plan would be go to SkyZone, grab some lunch, come home, have some dinner, watch a movie then watch the hockey game.  A laid-back late-winter Saturday.

Oh, and in the gap between lunch and dinner?  Make chocolate-covered mini-doughnuts.

That was a huge hit with the guys.

Well, to be fair, SkyZone was also a huge hit if the crying, screaming and broken hearts on the way out were any indication, but honestly I'm amazed they had the energy left to protest since I caught both of them lying nearly motionless on trampolines by the end of their hours.

Anyway, I picked up what is basically a waffle-iron mini-doughnut maker because I have some (possibly irrational) aversion to actually having a deep-fryer, no matter how badly I want one.  Today was the first trial of it, but I'd tried out the recipe for the chocolate covering earlier in the week on some chocolate chips we had left over that we probably won't use for anything anymore given they're not James-safe (Christine had already bought me some James-safe chocolate for the game-day event.) so I knew that part was going to work out okay.

First off, here's the result.

I'll admit, I think they look pretty good and the guys agreed.  Unfortunately I don't think they taste all that good.  The cake is middling at best (we'll look for proper baked doughnut recipe next time) and while I had two options for the glaze, I think I chose poorly.  Christine had found two types of nut/peanut-free chocolate.  A milk chocolate and a 71% dark chocolate.  I opted for the latter because (a) I prefer a very bitter chocolate myself, (b) Daniel is not a big fan of chocolate and I thought something less sweet might appeal more to him and (c) I thought it would offset the sweetness of the cake nicely the way semi-sweet chips are better in chocolate chip cookies (IMO).  I don't particularly care for the result and was starting to formulate plans for a quiet burial at sea, so to speak, but after supper tonight where James and Daniel both ate well then Daniel ate three mini-doughnuts and James ate two and a half, now I'm thinking maybe my sense of taste is at issue here.

We'll at least wait until Christine's home to pass judgement on them.  The real critics seem to already approve of them, so maybe a shallow grave isn't in the poor little doughnuts' future after all.


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