The Suggestion

James was not ready for bed tonight when bed-time came.  What else is new?  That's such a common occurrence that I often tell him as long as he's quiet and doesn't come out of his room except for the bathroom, he's welcome to take a book to bed with him and keep a dim light on.

He always takes me up on the offer.

Kind of like a gateway drug, I know, but I often saw 3am on school nights because I was caught up in a book, Christine was much the same, we could certainly be giving him worse habits, I think.

He also absolutely adores his books.  Joe's Comics has started printing a title called "Disney-Pixar's Cars", which is as you would expect, but it's perfect for James.  He can read lots of the words, the stories are between one and four pages each and so far they're all set between and soon after Cars and Cars 2, so none of this heavier stuff to deal with yet that might turn him off.  The other thing we did was sign him up for a subscription to Chrip from OwlKids.  Picking up the mail is pretty exciting for him now when we're expecting a new issue to arrive.

So, tonight.  The story starts with James and Daniel in bed.
James (appearing at the top of the stairs, calling):  Daaaaaad!
Me (coming to the bottom of the stairs):  What, James?
James: I'm the only one in my class that reads every day.
Me (not sure I'm getting it right, but pleased anyway):  That's great, buddy.  Now back to bed.
James:  OK!
Less than two minutes later I hear doors upstairs again, so I go to check.
Me (sounding a bit frustrated): Why are there boys out in the hall again?
James (from the bathroom): I'm just washing my hands!
Me (not rolling my eyes yet):  Okay, buddy.  Then back to bed, right?
James: Because I peed!  So I have to wash my hands!
Me (sighing):  Yep, that's right.  Then back to bed, right?  You'll try to go to sleep?
James: Yep!
Maybe ten minutes pass.
James (at the top of the stairs, again, calling):  Daaaaaad! 
Me (now exasperated, at the bottom of the stairs):  What, buddy? 
James: Do you want to make bannock in the morning?
At this point I'm glad the hallway is dark so he probably can't see me struggling not to laugh.  It's only made worse by the fact that he can't see Christine watching the exchange from the kitchen, almost doubled over with laughter, but I can.
Me: Yeah, sure, buddy.
James (waving the December 2016 issue of Chirp at me): Then you'll need this!  The recipe is in here!
So we're making bannock in the morning and I can finally hear something that sounds like snoring coming out of that bedroom.


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