I hurt my bum!

The resolution to the above was something that amused the other parents around me to no end.  One guy actually laughed out loud.  Because what do you do when your kid gets a boo-boo?  You kiss it better.

The trip to Skyzone today was generally good.  Getting in to the place was an absolute disaster due to a combination of environmental issues, my own poor planning and the staff at Skyzone having technical issues and not just dropping the ball, but digging a damned grave for the ball and burying it under a mound of concrete.  That said, once we were in and the boys were jumping, all was fine.

Until Daniel slipped on the trampoline and said he hurt his thumb when he landed.  He probably did, it looked kind of red and he clearly did land on his hand.  So I kissed it better.

That set off what I swear to God was a fifteen minute game where he would jump five or six times, then flop down on his belly and claim he had hurt some other part of his body and I needed to kiss it better.  Somehow, though, when we had gone through his nose, his ear, his other ear, his elbows, his shoulder and even his feet (!!!), I didn't see "I hurt my bum!" coming.

I'm not even new to this, I should've seen that a mile off.


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