A different kind of request

During our summer vacation, one of the throw-away ideas I had for us to do while in PEI was to go to Brackley and watch a movie at one of the few remaining Drive-Ins.  Seemed like something that'd be exciting for the boys and kind of nostalgic for me.

Jumping tracks for a moment here, Daniel is settling in well at school.  He's pretty social, so after the first week of adjustment he's been generally enjoying his time there.  Though he does love being at home, I think he's really getting an itch scratched by the opportunities for dramatic play at school, where he can pretend to be a character from his books and act out the stories.

Lately I've been having a difficult time telling, honestly, if he's getting to watch videos on Youtube of some of his favourite stories (like this, maybe) or if he's just thinking that reading books can also be something you watch movies of, since we have so many books at home that are based on movies (like our vast array of Cars and Thomas books).

Regardless, now he frequently comes home from school talking about books and reading books and going up to his room to read books.

He's also talking about "watching" some of these stories and even as recent as last night he told me:

Daniel:  Daddy?  Let's go watch Solla Sollew.  Oh, yes, yes, yes.  Let's watch it at the driver theatre!
He's still frequently talking about going back to the driver theatre.  I guess that one "Hey, let's try to do this one evening" idea of mine made an impression.


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