Daddy, we can watch Fraggle Rock!

Two weeks ago brought a new bit of excitement into our household.  Over the holidays there were a few bright moments in what was otherwise a pretty dark period for me.  One was an evening at Steve and Brenda's place where Steve and I watched Pacific Rim (my favourite movie since 1995 ... there's been a few demarcation points there, to be honest.  There is Alien, prior to the 1980s, Blade Runner prior to the 1990s, Heat and now a new contender.  I just hope the rumoured sequels don't ruin the franchise the way others have.)

Earlier that same evening, I think, we were watching A Muppet Family Christmas while the boys simultaneously failed to fall asleep and keep the other from falling asleep.  Stressful, but the way our lives are now and not unexpected.  The movie reminded me about Fraggle Rock, though, and now that I've loaded it onto the media centre I offered it up to James one evening as a treat when he didn't already have his heart set on Scooby Doo or something else.  It was an instant hit.  It took a full episode, though, before he decided that he (we, actually) should dance during the musical parts.  "Can you dance, Daddy!  Dance!"

Thanks guys, for reminding me about this.
Side note:  He equates Gobo Fraggle with "Fraggle Rock" (Look Daddy!  Fraggle Rock is running!) which is curious.  Both of his to-date favourite movies, Cars and Toy Story do not have a titular character, but at some point along the way he decided that Woody and Toy Story meant the same thing.  I don't know where this comes from but it seems to be something he came by on his own.


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