Way Up in the Air

Another (finally completed) post from the archives, back in September.
We weren't completely sure we were going to the Richmond Fair this year.  The weather had turned a bit chilly and we were getting scattered rain showers passing through the area all day long.  I'm glad we did go, though, because even though it was cold, James was pretty stoked about it.  For one, we got to see Trevor the Traction Engine again.  Okay, not the actual one, but a traction engine painted nearly the same, and that's good enough for James.

The best part of the day, though, was when we made it over to the midway.  Unlike the Specerville Fair, this time we bought some ride tickets.  James was feeling a bit more brave and wanted to try riding some of the rides.  We started out with the merry-go-round and a miniature train, but by far the winner of the day was the super-slide.  I remember loving it as a kid, but by the time I remember it, I was old enough that it was in the context of it being fun but a pretty mild "ride" compared to where I spent most of my time at the carnival.

James, though, he'd've almost been happy if all we did was go up the stairs and back down again.  The whole way up he kept shouting, "Daddy!  We're way up in the air!" and "Daddy!  Say 'way up in the air', Daddy!"  (He bookends a lot of his statements with <person I'm talking to> statement <person / other person I'm talking to>, which is absolutely adorable!)  The slide down was the icing on the cake, of course.  "Daddy!  Again, Daddy!  Again!" before we'd even come to a complete stop at the bottom of the slide.


  1. I just love reading about your adventures with James. It's never boring. That was a great post. Keep them coming.


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