Easing back into it

Been a very, very long time since I posted anything here, so I have kind of a backlog, but I also thought I should not rush back into it.

So a couple of absolutely adorable James stories from the last few days.

Yesterday morning after the boys had finished breakfast Daniel was playing in the front room with the dinky cars and James was running from the front of the house to the back and forward again.  Somewhere in his travels he found a whistle (the kind with an internal fan that makes a whizzing noise rather than the ear-splitting sort you often find) and started blowing it while he ran.  His first few laps into the front room didn't do anything.  Then Daniel started laughing whenever James came whizzing into the room near him.  After two or three more laps James stopped and announced:  "Stop Daniel!  It's not that funny!"

Which, of course, made it hilariously funny for us.

Next was this morning.  Our Shelf Elf, Choir, had moved to the curtain rod over the middle of our window in the front room.  James and Daniel were sleeping in the same room last night (this is a treat better than staying up past his bed-time to James right now) and they woke up before us. No surprise there.

I heard them up making noise in the room so I peeked in to look at them.  Daniel was in his crib watching James.  James was standing on the back of the chair looking out the window at the street, probably watching for people out walking their dogs.  When he heard me at the door he came running out and I went to rescue Daniel.

While I was doing that I heard James in the hallway saying "Hello Choir, did you bring us another book?"  He had seen our elf sitting on the curtain-rod from the upstairs hallway and thought he'd have a little chat from there since he couldn't get down the stairs yet, as the gate was still up.

Lastly (for now), was at supper.  He ate really well so I offered him some chocolate ice cream as a treat for dessert.  He was all over that, ultimately ending up with ice cream on his forehead as he tried to get to the bottom of the bowl.  I offered to help by picking up the bowl and scraping out the last of the melted bits with the spoon.  When we had retrieved all I gauged we were likely to, I said something like, "Alright, good job.  Let's go wash you up and then you can go play."

He then announced in what I will forever think of as his Ian McDiarmid voice:
No.  I need more chocolate ice cream.
I told him maybe later, because, obviously, I feared for my life.

And so I'm not neglecting Daniel entirely, SHEEP!

That's his newest favourite word and book.  There's been days over the last week where he pops up with two or three new words, he's going like a house on fire right now.  Stringing them together pretty well, too.  Tonight after we'd finished reading SHEEP, he informed me "All done".  I asked for confirmation a couple of times, offered some other books but he was firm, "all done".  So I made to get up from the chair and carry him to his crib and he started flipping out.  I sat back down and he immediately climbed out of my lap, went to the bed in his room and nestled himself into the middle of it and pulled his blanket up to his chin.

Guess that's that then.


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