I don't want to lose my arm.

I'm spoiling the punch-line on this one because it's tied for the worst part of this story and we don't need both of them buried down below.

Christine picked up some new books for James that, on my initial review, I thought were pretty good.  National Geographic Kids readers.  They were collections of four individual readers, all Level 1 and 2, bundled together in a square-bound book about the dimensions of a regular Nat-Geo magazine.  They're well beyond James' ability to read, but he gets engaged in lots of other L1/L2 stories in the bookshelf, and I liked the non-fiction stuff for him, too, so it seemed like a win.

Last night she read him Sharks and we both learned quite differently.  He was into the story while she was reading it but the section about Bethany Hamilton made more of an impression on him than it seemed at first.  After they finished the story I took him to the bathroom to sit on the potty and brush his teeth.  While he was there he suddenly looked grim and said "Daddy, I don't want to lose my arm."

I don't talk down to the boys if I can help it at all, so instead I told him that he has to be careful, but I didn't think he had anything to worry about, especially since there weren't any sharks around us and they don't like to eat people.  Then we started naming all of the stuff sharks do eat and he brightened up considerably.

But, as usual, once James and Daniel were in bed they were too squirmy to actually go to sleep, so Christine laid down with them to try to get everyone to calm down and try going to sleep.  It wasn't long before he was talking to her again about sharks and how he didn't want to lose his arm.  I could hear them on the monitor and it absolutely broke my heart.  I went back into the room and asked him if he wanted to sleep with Mama and I and unlike most nights (he really likes sleeping in Daniel's room now, he's told me sometimes Daniel wakes up at night and they talk then go back to sleep) he agreed right away and abandoned his brother for the safety of our bed.

It was definitely too early to venture into too much non-fiction for him.  Poor guy.  Poor Daniel, too, he really missed having James in his room.  He took probably an extra hour to fall asleep and he didn't want to stay in his bed at all.


  1. Oh. Poor sweetie! It is interesting finding out what makes a big impression.


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