Peanut Butter Marshmallow Square

I love these awful things.  I'm tragically  yet apologetically — addicted to these.  They are, in fact, the first thing my grandmother taught me how to make because they're both easy and something I couldn't get enough of.

Daniel is an absolute fiend for marshmallows and word has it that he often steals Lynne's peanut-buttered toast in the mornings at daycare (frequently after having had a breakfast larger than his brother, so it's not like we're starving the boy), so when Christine made a pan of these on Sunday, it seemed safe to assume he was going to like these.

He was actually a little bit lukewarm on them the on Sunday and Monday evening we finished up our box of Lindt chocolates for dessert, so it wasn't until last night he really got to give them his true assessment.  For the record, James liked them well enough.  Daniel, on the other hand, took one bite, then announced "Awesome!" and literally stuffed the rest of his into his mouth, using the heel of his hand to get it all in then started reaching for mine.  Seeing that this was akin to the "I need more chocolate ice cream" event I did what I thought best.  I promised him as soon as he swallowed what was in his mouth I'd give him all of my share.

This would not do.

He lost his mind, wailing as best he could around a mouthful of slowly liquefying peanut butter marshmallow square and gesticulating wildly at my square.  I let this go on for maybe as much as a minute, repeating my explanation that as soon as his mouth seemed reasonably clear of obstructions I would give him my square to fill it up again.  When genuine tears started I gave up and handed it to him, whereupon everything was alright again and he set about consuming both.

Tonight I only brought two squares to the table, one for him, one for James, and we managed to get photographic evidence of how much Daniel approves of them.

I can't believe I'm almost two years old and I'm only finding out about these now.


  1. Hello guys. At first glance ,I thought this was James. Do they ever look alike.

    1. We've had a few of those moments, looking at older photos. They don't look much alike right now, but at the same age they do look really similar. Sometimes it's just the context "Look, see, in a few photos later, clearly taken the same day, you're pregnant, so that must be James." :-)

  2. I love these things too! Mamoo never made them but I remember going to church functions and zeroing in on them! I am afraid I acted a bit like Daniel, although I was much older.


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