Kids just don't get the "How're you?", "Good, good, thanks." social contract.
This one is by request.
James and I were out on a supply run yesterday. Drug store for toothpaste and the like. It wasn't too busy with the Christmas Shopping Living Dead yet so I was doing okay. At the check-out the cashier was positively sunny:
James and I were out on a supply run yesterday. Drug store for toothpaste and the like. It wasn't too busy with the Christmas Shopping Living Dead yet so I was doing okay. At the check-out the cashier was positively sunny:
Cashier: Hi guys! How are you doing?
James: <mumble mumble>Cashier looks curiously at me and I shrug. So she tries again.
Cashier: How are you guys doing?
James: <mumble mumble mumble>She gives me another look and I smile at her to give her a bit of encouragement, so she gives it one more try.
Cashier: Are you guys having a good day?
James (brightly): On Saturday my butt threw up!You can probably figure out the context. I'm going to leave it like I left that other one.
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