Literally, the story hook for dozens of horror movies.

Last night I went upstairs right around midnight to check on James and take him to the bathroom, because he's still not great at waking up in the middle of the night to pee.  He's always been a sound sleeper — I frequently joke that while he has a hard time falling asleep, once he's out I could pick him up by his ankles and move him from one bed to the other and he'd never wake up — and that works against him in having a dry night, so I'm usually staying up until 11pm or later to help him out.

Last night.

I carried him to the bathroom and had him sitting on the toilet.  He was clearly in that semi-sleep state, then, as clear as a bell, this exchange happened.
James:  Dad? 
Me: Yes, James? 
James:  You can't hear them, but I do. 
Me: ...
I'm out.


  1. I know a few Realtors if you are looking for a new house.

    1. That'd be a good start, but to be honest, I've never seen that work in one of these stories yet. :-D


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